Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Brainstorm Session After Interview - Concept Development

After 3 hours of tea-drinking and head scratching for ideas, we stumbled upon a major design inspiration: FLOWmarket

FLOWmarket is an inspirational design originated in Denmark, designed by Mads Hagstrom. It is about raising awareness on the imbalance between concrete and abstract in modern societies. It challenges and inspire individuals to use their consumer power and commercial vote for the kind of world they want. The designer himself called this concept as "next generation luxury." Packaging abstract ideas, feelings, and mindsets, FLOWmarket comments on existing consumer society and sustainable business solutions in our culture.

Lulu and I were pretty damn excited seeing a cultural comment with such design language like this has been marketed so successfully and well-accepted by the general public. This led us to our new project direction, which aims to have the same commentary while providing opportunities for consumers to actively participate in making changes.

What if, we are not selling products, but selling ACTIONS?

We thought of the idea of 'SOUL SUPPLEMENTS'-

meaning, providing consumers the opportunities to engage and commit to charitable causes which may benefit social and community in general, as well as to enrich their individual life styles.

Rather than focusing on the issue of shark-finning, which may only acquire interests from specific groups or limited number of individuals, we have decided to raise awareness and motivate behavioural change towards varied causes and social concerns. I still care a lot about shark-finning, but to face the issue honestly, I understand that this type of thinking may only strike interest and concerns from a limited group of people. I need to address the communities and our culture as a whole, which may sound ambitious, but it's still worth a try.

Different individuals all embody different life styles, behaviours, and beliefs. Our goal is to enable them to actively participate to the charitable causes and social concerns which they can relate to. Give them the ability to choose, allow them to adapt the commitment to their own life styles and schedule.

For example, we can design a product line, with a series of charitable themes. Each theme may be packaged with specifically designed, and well-planned out communication plan which aims to improve knowledge, motivation, and behavioural change concerning the specific theme. The consumers who choose & purchase that specific theme are therefore given the tools and support to follow through. The package itself can be designed into monthly commitment with action tips for the individuals to participate according to their own limitations and abilities. Moreover, the money which we received from the purchase of each 'soul supplement,' will be given to the relatable and collaborating charity that's connected to that specific theme.

From a more technical design perspective, the focus would be to design a package that communicates our intention and concept idea well and effectively.

Content-wise, we would have to do a thorough and feasible example on one of the chosen charitable theme to communicate our concept in grad show.

This documentation way of clarifying our concept may not be the most effective and best explained, but it's just a way for us to keep track of our progress. :)
I'm pretty excited to present Louise with our concept, and get some feedback!

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