Tuesday, February 3, 2009

"Shark fin soup alters an ecosystem" (CNN)

Published on CNN website, along with documentary Planet in Peril, this article discusses the severity of shark-finning and the influence which pop culture, media, and cultural traditions have with the perceptions and understanding of sharks.

The article is written by one of the research reporters and hosts on Planet in Peril,
List Ling, with interview discussions with co-founder of Wildaid, Peter Knights. It describes their learning from trip to KaoShiung, Taiwan, where riduculous amount of illegal shark-fins are being imported.

To read the full article, please click

To be honest, I feel disgusted and sick reading about information during my research process. I find the information too hard to take in sometimes. Especially when such activities that I personally feel strongly against actually happen in where I grow up, developed and adapted by my own culture and people. It makes the project more challenging of course, however, it also reassures my intention and motivation towards promoting such awareness.

Note: Photographs included in this post are gathered from CNN website, photographed by Jeff Hutchens.

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